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发布时间:2019-12-09 15:20:05  |  来源:食品伙伴网  作者:  责任编辑:

食品伙伴网讯 据新加坡食品局(SFA)消息,2019年11月1日,新加坡食品局发布进口巴氏杀菌带壳鸡蛋的兽医条件。  据通知,巴氏杀菌带壳鸡蛋只能从食品局批准的来源进口。目前,还没有海外机构获准出口这种鸡蛋至新加坡。  部分原文如下:  We would like to inform that SFA has published a set of veterinary conditions for the importation of pasteurised shell eggs. Pasteurised shell eggs are eggs which are subject to in-shell heat treatment, but are not cooked during pasteurisation. Pasteurised shell eggs can only be imported from SFA-approved sources. Currently, there are no overseas establishments approved to export pasteurised shell eggs.  更多出口条件详情参见:  本文由食品伙伴网食品资讯中心编辑,供网友参考,欢迎转载,转载请注明出处!有任何疑问,请联系。